Big Sand Lake Association
committed to the preservation of Big Sand Lake
Big Sand Lake • Current News & Events
08/29/2024 - Welcome New Board Members
President: Catharine Williamson
Vice President: Ann Hilger
Treasurer: Al Judson
Secretary: Barbara Billing
We also welcome the following committee members, and thank everyone for volunteering to help preserve and protect our beloved lake: Wick Corwin, Bryce Craig, Mike Cziok, Linda Lee, Mark Kalvoda, Jo Kilander, Steve Kimpton, Rich Provinzino and Justin Young
08/20/2024 - Chuck Fenton Memorial Golf Classic
When: Saturday, September 7 - Tee times start at 2:30 p.m.
Where: Headwaters Golf Club, 20018 CR1, Park Rapids 56470
All Big Sand residents and guests are invited to our 7th Annual Two-Part Golf and Taco Bar Fall Social – now to be known as the “Chuck Fenton Memorial Golf Classic”.
Please join us for a great time, share a meal and to raise a glass to joyfully remember and honor Chuck’s dedication to this event and all things Big Sand.
Part One – 9-Hole Golf Scramble: Players of all levels, beginners to experienced, are encouraged to participate in this informal, fun, and barely competitive event. Tee times start at 2:30. Four-person teams will be assigned unless otherwise requested.
To play golf: Contact Mike Cziok, by Wednesday, September 4
Part Two - Taco Bar Dinner and Social at 5:30: Everyone is encouraged to attend. Reservations for the meal are greatly appreciated, but not required if you are able to come at the last minute. Drawings will be held for door prizes, plus prizes for a few fun golf events.
To RSVP for the taco bar dinner: Jo Kilander,
Details: Location – Headwaters Golf Club, 20018 CR1, Park Rapids 56470
Taco Bar and Social will be on the enclosed patio rain or shine.
Cost for Golf: $20 -- 9-hole walking Green fee for non-Headwaters Members $10 – optional cart fee
Cost for Dinner: $18 includes beef and/or chicken tacos, sides and dessert. Note - BSLA members will be provided one free drink ticket for the open bar.